Double, 24.02: Manchester City to win vs Chelsea!

Manchester City

Combo Bet Predictions, 24.02

  1. Chelsea v Man City: 2 @ 1.57
  2. Parma v Napoli: 2 @ 1.33

5 responses to “Double, 24.02: Manchester City to win vs Chelsea!”

  1.  Avatar


  2. Elisha Emoja Avatar
    Elisha Emoja


  3. Owino ongoro Avatar
    Owino ongoro

    We lost again

    1.  Avatar

      Admin said hes not God, but me i doubt..those guys are able to predict 99% sure wins.. daily, but How do you know if they are affiliated to betting companies.
      #thankful anyway for the free service…

  4. ELI Brazil! Avatar
    ELI Brazil!

    estava na cara que o Chelsea nao iria dar bobeira, um Dupla Chance no chelsea, seria mais vantajoso! MAS, VOCES ESTAO DE PARABÉNS!! EU SOU SEGUIDOR DE VOCES, E ESTOU MUITO SATISFEITO COM SUAS TIP´S

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